9 月 15 日消息,据南京大学微信公众号消息,9 月 14 日夜,国际顶级学术期刊《自然》发表了南京大学张勇、肖敏、祝世宁领衔的科研团队在下一代光电芯片制造领域的重大突破。科研团队发明了一种新型“非互易飞秒激光极化铁电畴”技术,将飞秒脉冲激光聚焦于材料“铌酸锂”的晶体内部,通过控制激光移动的方向,在晶体内部形成有效电场,实现三维结构的直写和擦除。这一新技术,突破了传统飞秒激光的光衍射极限,把光雕刻铌酸锂三维结构的尺寸,从传统的 1 微米量级(相当于头发丝的五十分之一),首次缩小到纳米级,达到 30 纳米,大大提高了加工精度。
On September 15, it was reported that on the night of September 14, the international top academic journal Nature published a major breakthrough in the field of next-generation optoelectronic chip manufacturing by the research team led by Zhang Yong, Xiao Min and Zhu Shining of Nanjing University, according to the WeChat official account of Nanjing University. The scientific research team has invented a new type of "non reciprocal femtosecond laser polarized ferroelectric domain" technology, which focuses femtosecond pulsed laser light on the interior of the material "lithium niobate" crystal. By controlling the direction of laser movement, an effective electric field is formed inside the crystal, achieving direct writing and erasing of three-dimensional structures. This new technology has broken through the light diffraction limit of traditional femtosecond lasers, and reduced the size of the three-dimensional structure of light carving lithium niobate from the traditional 1 micron scale (equivalent to one-fiftieth of the size of hair) to the nanometer scale for the first time, reaching 30 nanometers, greatly improving the processing accuracy.
这一重大发明,未来或可开辟光电芯片制造新赛道,有望用于光电调制器、声学滤波器、非易失铁电存储器等关键光电器件芯片制备,在 5G / 6G 通讯、光计算、人工智能等领域有广泛的应用前景。
This major invention may open up a new track for the manufacturing of optoelectronic chips in the future, and is expected to be used in the preparation of key optoelectronic devices such as optoelectronic modulators, acoustic filters, and nonvolatile ferroelectric memories. It has broad application prospects in fields such as 5G/6G communication, optical computing, and artificial intelligence.
This work combines femtosecond laser polarization technology with lithium niobate ferroelectric domain engineering, breaking through the barriers of traditional technology, and achieving the controllable preparation of nano ferroelectric domains in three-dimensional space for the first time. Applying it to the field of quantum optics can achieve efficient, high-dimensional, and narrow linewidth quantum entanglement generation; In the field of electronics, it can promote the development of high-performance ferroelectric domain wall nano electronic devices, such as large capacity rewritable nonvolatile memories; In the field of acoustics, nano periodic ferroelectric domain structures can be used to implement ultra high frequency acoustic resonators and filters. Femtosecond laser polarization technology can be further applied to other ferroelectric crystals, including lithium tantalate and potassium titanium phosphate crystals, and promote the development of high-performance three-dimensional optical, acoustic, and electrical integrated devices.