
Inadequate internal control, weak research and development, heavy IPO pressure due to civil explosion and photoelectric warfare
发表时间:2022-09-27     阅读次数:     字体:【

Shenzhen Civil Explosive Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Civil Explosive Optoelectronics") will make its debut at the conference recently. According to public information, Civil Explosive Optoelectronics is a company specializing in the green lighting business, mainly engaged in the research and development, design, manufacturing, and service of LED lighting products.


This is the second time that the Civil Explosive Optoelectronics has broken through the GEM. As early as July 2020, Civil Explosive Optoelectronics had submitted a prospectus, but after five rounds of inquiries and responses from the regulatory layer, it withdrew its application materials in September 2021, and only then restarted its application for listing on the GEM in May this year. In this IPO, Civil Explosive Optoelectronics plans to issue no more than 26.17 million shares and raise 1.102 billion yuan for the "LED Lighting Automation Expansion Project" and "Headquarters Building and R&D Center Construction Project".


It is still too early to make a conclusion about whether the civil explosive optoelectronics can successfully break through this time. The only thing that can be determined is that there are still many problems to be solved in the civil explosive optoelectronics itself.


Weak performance growth


According to the prospectus data, from 2019 to 2021, Civil Explosive Optoelectronics achieved operating revenue of 1.082 billion yuan, 1.059 billion yuan, and 1.497 billion yuan, respectively, with net profit attributable to the parent company of 202 million yuan, 177 million yuan, and 170 million yuan during the same period. It is not difficult to see that during the reporting period, there has been a situation of increasing revenue without increasing profits for civil explosive optoelectronics. In fact, regarding the issue of sustainable profitability, in the last IPO, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange has raised a question, "Please clarify whether there are significant adverse changes in core businesses, operating environment, and key indicators, and whether the degree of performance decline is consistent with the industry's changing trend." It also requires the issuer to disclose the risks of declining profitability. ". Civil Explosive Optoelectronics also admitted that its profit space has been squeezed: "The lighting manufacturing industry where the company is located is facing the double adverse effects of the COVID-19 and trade friction. The price rise of metal materials in the upstream industry, the fluctuation of product demand in the downstream market, the appreciation of the RMB exchange rate against the US dollar, competitors' increasing efforts in market development and other factors have intensified competition in the industry and reduced the profit space of lighting products."


Among the many reasons mentioned above, there is a particular need to pay attention to: trade frictions, as the sales model of civil explosive optoelectronics is ODM providing OEM services for overseas lighting companies, and more than 90% of the revenue comes from overseas markets. According to the prospectus data, as of 2021, 95.51% of the revenue of Civil Explosive Optoelectronics was provided by overseas customers, with an export turnover of 1.429 billion yuan, an increase of 39.22% compared to 2019.


Of course, this may not be a problem for the photoelectric family of civil explosives. In 2021, the overseas revenue of the same industry enterprise Guangpu Co., Ltd. accounted for 54.12% of the company's current revenue. In 2021, overseas ODM customers contributed 86.07% of the company's revenue. Most companies in the industry earn revenue by providing ODM/OEM services to overseas customers. However, the proportion of overseas business revenue of Civil Explosive Optoelectronics is increasing, which makes it easy to understand why its performance is greatly affected by trade friction, exchange rate, and other aspects.


In addition, influenced by market competition, rising commodity prices, and other factors, although the revenue of civil explosives optoelectronics has increased, its gross profit margin has shown a downward trend, dropping from 34.09% in 2020 to 28.16% in 2021, which is also one of the reasons why its revenue has not increased.


Large amount of funds occupied by shareholders


Civil Explosive Optoelectronics was established in March 2010. As of July this year, Xie Zuhua is the controlling shareholder and actual controller of Civil Explosive Optoelectronics, controlling a total of 95.54% of the equity of Civil Explosive Optoelectronics through direct and indirect means. At the beginning of its establishment, there was a situation in which Xie Zuhua held 60% of the equity of Civil Explosive Optoelectronics, and Liu Zhiyou replaced Xie Zuhua to hold 40% of the equity. Because Xie Zuhua was worried that a one-person limited company could not establish a wholly-owned subsidiary, which would be detrimental to future business development planning, the aforementioned 40% equity was not restored until June 2013. By 2019, when introducing investors, Xie Zuhua had signed a gambling agreement with Shenzhen Venture Capital, Hongtu Intelligent, and Hongtu Bright, stipulating that in the event that Civil Explosive Optoelectronics failed to publicly issue shares in China and list on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange before December 31, 2023, the investor had the right to require Xie Zuhua to repurchase all or part of his equity.


However, the initial IPO failed, and Xie Zuhua was under pressure to repurchase shares based on the listing bet agreement signed with the investor. In 2019, Xie Zuhua, Wang Ruichun, Su Tao, Wang Li, Zhong Xiaodong, Zhang Pan, and Liu Zhiyou, among other shareholders of Civil Explosive Optoelectronics, jointly established an employee shareholding platform, Liqin Investment. The above employees transferred their direct holdings of shares of Civil Explosive Optoelectronics to Liqin Investment, whereby these shareholding employees became indirectly holding shares of Civil Explosive Optoelectronics through Liqin Investment, which involved paying a large amount of personal income tax.


According to the content of the prospectus, Civil Explosive Optoelectronics advanced 10.4611 million yuan to pay the personal income tax of the above-mentioned personnel, causing shareholders to occupy funds. At the same time, during the reporting period, the controlling shareholders, actual controllers, directors, supervisors, senior executives, and personnel in key positions of Civil Explosive Optoelectronics had frequent financial transactions with supplier shareholders, and Civil Explosive Optoelectronics was suspected of carrying out bookkeeping through supplier shareholder accounts.


For example, the supplier Dongguan Shengli Hardware Products Co., Ltd., whose main shareholder Zhou Musheng holds 100% of the company's equity.


During the reporting period, Zhong Xiaodong, the supervisor of Civil Explosive Optoelectronics, Zhang Pan, the employee representative supervisor, Shui Chunchun, the sales manager, Li Lequn, the sales manager, and Zhou Jinmei, the technical director of the sales department, borrowed 10000 yuan, 259000 yuan, 100000 yuan, 305600 yuan, and 17000 yuan from Zhou Musheng, respectively. The nature of the loans was all "personal capital loans.". From the above situation, it can be seen that there are flaws in the internal financial control of civil explosives optoelectronics.


Worried R&D strength


According to the prospectus data, during the reporting period, the R&D expense rates for civil explosive optoelectronics were 4.98%, 5.71%, and 4.74%, respectively, with a significant decline in 2021. Compared with peers, the R&D cost rate of civil explosive optoelectronics is at a lower level. During the same period, the proportion of research and development personnel in civil explosive optoelectronics decreased from 15.36% at the end of 2019 to 10.65% at the end of 2021. In October 2021, Li Yulin, the core technical personnel, resigned due to personal reasons, leaving only Su Zongcai, Wei Xiaobing, and Su Tao as the core technical personnel of Civil Explosive Optoelectronics.


The on-site supervisor of the relevant institution found that in the R&D material requisition list, some of the material requisition personnel were production or warehouse personnel, but the Civil Explosive Optoelectronics Company included such personnel in the R&D expenses for material requisition; At the same time, the research and development expenses of Civil Explosive Optoelectronics are distributed evenly among various research and development projects, and are not distributed according to the actual situation of the project.


The direct results of research and development are reflected in patents. In the prospectus, Civil Explosive Optoelectronics stated that the company focuses on independent research and development and technological innovation, and has 17 invention patents. However, it is not difficult to identify these patents carefully, and it is not difficult to find that the gold content of Civil Explosive Optoelectronics is not high. Among them, 6 items are income from transfer, and others are income from transfer from external individuals and enterprises. That is to say, there are very few research and development achievements that truly belong to civil explosive optoelectronics.


The relative lack of research and development capabilities has also directly led to patent disputes between Civil Explosive Optoelectronics and other companies. According to the prospectus, during the reporting period, Civil Explosive Optoelectronics and BenQ Intelligent Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. were involved in patent infringement cases in trademark, design, and other aspects. In January 2020, in the first instance of the case, the court ruled that the defendant (Civil Explosive Optoelectronics) should stop infringing the exclusive right to use the trademark involved and compensate for economic losses of 60000 yuan. Subsequently, Civil Explosive Optoelectronics filed an appeal, and the second instance upheld the original judgment.


In addition, there have been problems with the product quality of civil explosive optoelectronics. According to the contents of the first round of inquiry letters, from 2019 to 2021, customers were charged for civil explosive optoelectronics due to product quality issues, with the deduction amounts of 2125800 yuan, 1959700 yuan, and 2217300 yuan, respectively. Civil Explosive Optoelectronics explained that it was mainly because some batches of products had quality problems due to the use of materials with quality issues, resulting in product quality issues, which led to customer penalties for deduction of payment.


This explanation ostensibly blames all the problems on the supplier, but in fact, why are there raw materials with quality problems? Isn't this caused by the lax control of the supplier's products by the Civil Explosive Optoelectronics itself?


Employment suspected of violating regulations


According to the prospectus, the capacity utilization rate of Civil Explosive Optoelectronics last year was as high as 116.55%, including 117.71% for commercial lighting and 106.44% for industrial lighting. Also due to the increase in business volume and difficulty in recruitment, the employment of civil explosive optoelectronics is tight in the short term. In this case, civil explosives optoelectronics chose to meet the demand of the production line through labor dispatch, which once exceeded 10%. According to the "Interim Provisions on Labor Dispatching" issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security in 2013, employers should strictly control the number of dispatched workers, and the number of dispatched workers used should not exceed 10% of their total employment. In 2020, the proportion of labor dispatch and employment in the first 11 months of the year for civil explosive optoelectronics exceeded 10%, with a maximum of 23.43% and a minimum of 11.97%. In other words, the proportion of labor dispatch for civil explosive optoelectronics has exceeded the "red line" set by the state.


The tight employment situation has also made civil explosive optoelectronics the object of complaints, and some netizens have even accused it of being a "black factory", claiming that it has not been approved by employees for "resignation" or even "bereavement leave.". As for whether there is such a situation, there is no way to verify it. However, the tense employment status may increase the rate of complaints, which may also affect the daily operation of civil explosive optoelectronics. In the future, once the production is expanded, civil explosive optoelectronics will face a more serious employment tension, and how to solve it at that time. In the current labor dispute, whether the violation of regulations in the use of light and electricity by the people will also lay a hidden danger for their second breakthrough.


To sum up, there are many problems in the financial, research and development, and business compliance aspects of Civil Explosive Optoelectronics. It is difficult to predict the future of entering the GEM again.

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