
Liu Jun: Web3.0, a new engine for digital content, opens the era of optical display and metauniverse
发表时间:2022-11-21     阅读次数:     字体:【

On November 17th, the 2022 Display Annual Conference Mini/MicroLED Display Industry Innovators Conference and the Expert Aurora Award Ceremony were solemnly held in Shenzhen. Liu Jun, Vice President of Zhouming Group, was invited to deliver a keynote speech on "Meta Universe Ecological Empowerment of New Display Industry", to discuss the technical potential and development prospects of the new light display industry with experts.

从平行于现实的虚拟世界,到虚拟与现实的融合世界,近年来成为热门话题的元宇宙仍是一个不断发展、演变的概念。 刘俊在演讲中表示,要实现身临其境的沉浸感,能够支持更高分辨率和帧率的显示终端作为元宇宙基础的技术底座不可或缺。

From a virtual world parallel to reality to a fusion world of virtual and reality, the metauniverse, which has become a hot topic in recent years, is still a constantly evolving concept. In his speech, Liu Jun stated that in order to achieve immersive immersion, display terminals capable of supporting higher resolution and frame rate are indispensable as the technical base of the metauniverse.


Liu Jun believes that the new internet form "Web3.0", characterized by the decentralization of blockchain, will give the metauniverse a broader usage scenario and lifestyle. Based on its technology, users can connect to virtual scenes and audiovisual devices through customized devices to conduct a series of social activities such as tourism and learning in the metacosmic world. If we try to comb the layout of actions taken by domestic and foreign companies to address the metauniverse, we can find that each manufacturer uses hardware as the traffic entry point, and then focuses on three major aspects: immersion (such as XR technology), economic system, and content richness (such as UGC technology), as well as the construction of social metauniverse platforms, gradually deepening into applications and underlying technologies



Liu Jun proposed that "user participation" is the key to the success of future metaverse applications. Taking Zhouming Technology, a leading enterprise in the LED light display industry, as an example: Tianqu Xingkong Technology Co., Ltd., jointly established by Zhouming and a team of technical experts, is an important measure to layout and develop technical products in the wearable field. Recently, TQSKY T1, the world's first audiovisual glasses, was officially released as the opening work of Tianqu Xingkong. It is committed to creating a new private space experience for users with high image quality, good sound, high privacy, and high compatibility.


Around the immersive concept, Zhouming is also using digital content as a new engine to continuously deepen its comprehensive layout in hardware, software, digital content, and application scenarios.


Hardware: Take advantage of LED display/lighting products and technology leadership, actively layout creative digital devices such as AR glasses and VR interactive theaters, and seize the hardware traffic entrance;


Software: Independent research and development of LED display and control operation and maintenance platform and non wearable motion capture software "UATION", consolidating the foundation of digital virtual human and XR virtual shooting system, and achieving independent and controllable technology;


Digital content: Through the integration of bare eye 3D, VR virtual content, blockchain NFT virtual assets, and other sectors, create a metauniverse innovation vitality engine with virtual content and digital twins;


Application Scenarios: Layout metacosmic scenes such as cultural tourism, universities, cinemas, architectural planning, and commercial complexes, and explore the commercialization of immersive CAVE spaces and interactive technologies.


Young people experience interactive games in U-box venues


Naked Eye 3D Digital Virtual Human - Motorcycle Girl "Qi Xiaomu"


In fact, the integration of the metauniverse and light display technology has no longer remained at the stage of imagination.

国庆期间掀起武汉打卡潮的少女「祁小蓦」作为LED光显行业首个裸眼3D数字虚拟人形象,是洲明科技「数字虚拟人元宇宙家族」的新成员,也是洲明数字虚拟人开启商业化应用的开端。 洲明内容团队应用公司自研动态捕捉技术,完成了从角色设定及创作,到三维制作渲染合成的全流程创新方案。这也意味着凭借技术持续突破与业务全面升级,洲明已经迈出了数字转型重要一步,持续引领户外裸眼3D广告新时代。

"Qi Xiaomu", a young girl who sparked a punch card craze in Wuhan during the National Day, is the first naked eye 3D digital virtual human image in the LED light display industry, a new member of the "Digital Virtual Human Meta Universe Family" of Zhouming Technology, and also the beginning of the commercial application of Zhouming Digital Virtual Human. The Zhouming content team applied the company's self developed dynamic capture technology to complete a full process of innovative solutions from character setting and creation to 3D production, rendering, and synthesis. This also means that with continuous technological breakthroughs and comprehensive business upgrades, Zhouming has taken an important step in digital transformation and continues to lead the new era of outdoor naked eye 3D advertising.

X-TAGE Live house舞台

X-TAGE Live house stage

国际XR顶流虚拟影棚一览 在xR虚拟制作领域,占地3100平方、全国面积最大的拥有P1.8超高清屏幕xR录制基地及LiveHouse展演空间X-TAGE即将推出。这里应用洲明解决方案,致力打造成为全新的网红基地、流量入口和文化高地。 长久以来,洲明集团已经从单纯的LED显示终端及播控系统,升级延伸到集自研动捕技术、虚拟拍摄软件、数字虚拟人、数字虚拟资产为一体的虚拟拍摄解决方案,得到好莱坞、迪士尼、微软等知名客户认可,全球虚拟场景制作技术及市场占有率稳居世界第一。

Overview of International XR Top Stream Virtual Studio In the field of xR virtual production, X-TAGE, which covers an area of 3100 square meters and has the largest P1.8 ultra high definition screen xR recording base and LiveHouse exhibition space in the country, is about to be launched. Here, Zhouming solutions are applied to build a brand new online celebrity base, traffic portal, and cultural highland. For a long time, Zhouming Group has upgraded from a simple LED display terminal and broadcast control system to a virtual shooting solution that integrates self developed motion capture technology, virtual shooting software, digital virtual human, and digital virtual assets. It has been recognized by well-known customers such as Hollywood, Disney, and Microsoft, and ranks first in the world in terms of global virtual scene production technology and market share.


The company's self-developed dynamic capture technology - UAction system interprets the Red Flag Canal scene

光显标杆项目合集 ————

Lighting Benchmarking Project Collection————


At present, there are continuous opportunities for optical display industries such as digital virtual humans and AR city landmark light and shadow shows. It is reported that the scale of China's virtual reality industry will exceed 250 billion yuan in 2025, and the enabling role of virtual reality in the national economy is gradually released.

———— 无物不虚拟、无物不现实。元宇宙的建设刚刚开始,光显时代也刚刚拉开序幕。 洲明科技期待与行业伙伴们一道,通过硬件、软件、艺术设计、内容创意等技术融合构筑光显产业的全新生态,助力元宇宙产业化迈向新的台阶。

————Nothing is not virtual, nothing is not realistic. The construction of the metauniverse has just begun, and the era of light display has just begun. Zhouming Technology is looking forward to working with industry partners to build a new ecosystem of the light display industry through the integration of hardware, software, artistic design, content creativity, and other technologies, and to help the industrialization of the Yuan Universe to a new level.

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