
Qinshang Optoelectronics: The first instance judgment of the Dongguan Third People's Court rejected all litigation claims of the company
发表时间:2022-09-27     阅读次数:     字体:【

On September 23, Qinshang Optoelectronics announced that the company had recently received a Civil Judgment ([2019] Yue 1973 Min Chu No. 16899) from the Dongguan Third People's Court on the case, and the first instance decision rejected all the company's litigation claims. The case acceptance fee of 20.03 million yuan was borne by the company.


The company plans to file an appeal against the outcome of the first instance judgment and urge Weiliang Electric to fulfill its relevant commitment obligations in accordance with its Commitment Letter. This judgment will not have a significant impact on the daily production and operation of the company.


Other descriptions of the basic situation of the lawsuit


In November 2019, Qinshang Optoelectronics sued Dongguan Branch of CITIC Bank Co., Ltd., filed a lawsuit against an outsider for objection to execution (hereinafter referred to as "the case", case number: [2019] Yue 1973 Min Chu No. 16899), and applied for "lifting the seal on the land and property involved in the case". The Third People's Court of Dongguan City, Guangdong Province (hereinafter referred to as "the Dongguan Third People's Court") filed a case for acceptance in the same month. In April 2020, the Dongguan Third People's Court ruled to suspend the lawsuit on the grounds that "the partial determination of the facts in this case must be based on the trial results of the (2020) Yue 19 Min Chu 25 case".


Other instructions


In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the company, the company has taken a series of measures, including filing an application for enforcement objection by an outsider, litigation for enforcement objection by an outsider, litigation for confirming the invalidity of a mortgage contract, and litigation for disputes over the confirmation of security interests. In addition, Dongguan Weiliang Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Weiliang Electric Appliance") issued a commitment to the company in November 2019. In order to further properly resolve this matter, the company's non-public offering target, Dongguan Jingtengda Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as "Jingtengda"), issued a Letter of Commitment on Matters Related to the Subject Assets of Qinshang Shares and Weiliang Electric Appliances under the Real Estate Transfer Contract to the company in June 2022, Jingtengda promises that "from the end of this non-public offering, if Weiliang Electric has not fulfilled the aforementioned commitment obligations, our company will fulfill the commitment obligations of Weiliang Electric on its behalf."

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